Rosie The Riveter Symbolism

Words: 402
Pages: 2

Rosie the Riveter
Is Rosie the Riveter one person? If you ask someone they will probably say yes, but she is not. Rosie the Riveter isn’t even a person she’s a symbol. Rosie is a symbol for all working women during WWII. When you think WWII you think of the men in the war, but the women played a big part in it too. If the women didn’t work the economy would of fallen. Most of the jobs didn’t have workers because they were for me.

The country didn’t have people in the work. Most of the jobs were for men and the men were leaving to go to war. Businesses were losing a lot of money because they didn’t have workers. All of the men were being called to war and most of the jobs were for them. The business didn’t know what to do. They started hiring