Rugby Stereotypes

Words: 403
Pages: 2

This map was created by me using resources found online. I live in Vancouver, and I am in grade 8 at St. George’s School. I love watching rugby, and my favorite player is Kieran Read (that’s why I chose to do project about him). The map that I have created uses a bird’s eye view of a rugby pitch. Since it is a 2d projection of a flat area, there should be no problems with distortion. The image that I am using as a base for the map is a representation of a man-made feature (a rugby pitch). This map was produced at school and at home from the 26th of April, 2016 to the 28th of April, 2016. The source of the data shown on the map is a YouTube Video of the game, which I translated into the points now seen on the map. The map is created using video