SFU Personal Statement

Words: 491
Pages: 2

SFU is a university that I would love to be a part of. By attending the open house, I spoke to faculty representatives and current students to get an idea of what my time at SFU will be like. With a strong passion for design and technology, I believe that the Interactive Arts and Technology program will be the best fit for me. Seeing sample projects made me excited about my future at SFU because it enlightened me on how it will be possible for me to create things that I will be proud of and also have the ability to impact lives. During my time in the program, I hope that I will be able to gain more knowledge, express my creativity through my work and have the chance to collaborate with my peers. Over the next few years, I believe that SFU will give me …show more content…
I can see myself being part of the student life by joining the various clubs at SFU. For example, because of my experience as a dancer for many years, I am interested in looking into the SFU dance team where I will get a chance to contribute to a team and continue doing what I enjoy. Due to my current active volunteer work, I definitely want to get involved in SFU events and organizations that allow me to give back to the community as well as help improve the university. With countless possibilities at SFU, I do think that I will shape into a person who will be ready to try things with less hesitation. Since I applied for a program where my studies will mainly be at the Surrey Campus, it provides me with the opportunity to make more of a contribution to the Surrey campus by offering to help with events held at the Surrey campus and even start up a new event or club that is not currently offered yet. Considering that I will not need to move to the Burnaby campus, I can dedicate my time to improve the Surrey campus to make the university experience even better for everyone