Saint Mark Statue Analysis

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Pages: 2

The statue of Saint Mark was built in the fifteen century between the years of 1411-1413 and is located in the region of Florence Italy. The creator of the statute was Donatello, who was one of Ghiberti’s young assistants. The guild of Linen Weavers turned to Donatello “to fill its niche with a figure” (Davies 518). The statue itself is imposing due to its large features and its height of almost 8 feet. Some of these features that make St. Mark so imposing are his hands, deeply carved eyes and beard along with his stance. “His large, powerful hands grip a book (gospel)”, while his eyes and beard portrays a powerful personality (Davies 518-519). St. Mark is standing so that one leg if flexed while the other is holding all of the weight of the body (Davies 519). Donatello learned this method of posing a body from the arts of the ancients (Davies 519. This is called a contrapposto stance. Donatello was known to treat the human body as an articulated structure that was capable of movement, with its drapery “as a separate element that is based on the shapes underneath rather than on patterns and shapes imposed from the outside”(Davies 519). Additionally, the clothing used for this sculpture drapes the body and fall in deep folds “to reveal and emphasize his posture (Davies 519). Donatello used a unique technique that enabled him to balance the sculpture by …show more content…
The career that he had was “long and productive making him the most influential sculptor of fifteenth-century Italy” (Davies 519). The statue was also influential because it was made out of marble and gives the appearance that it is able to move (Kren, Davies). The sculpture of St. Mark tells us that Donatello studies from the ancient works of sculpture and he placed importance on the naturalistic form (Davies