Sanger And Woodley Analysis

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Pages: 5

As history repeats itself, we study and reflect on the past events that occurred and figure out the reason as to why each and every historical event happened. Although this may be true, reading the actual documentation of famous historical figure’s beliefs and their actions is what made a difference in the world not only for themselves but for the people. In the collection of documents presented writers Du Bois, Pratt, Sanger, and Woodley discuss the themes of freedom and racial equality and how all of these documents proclaim that all people should have a voice as well as people of color having rights to equal opportunities in the society. All of these historical agents had dreams and aspirations of fighting for their people’s rights; they were the true voices of the …show more content…
Not to mention how if it was not for these historical figures and their achievements they accomplished, people in today’s society would not have numerous amounts of equal opportunities thrown at them nor having the choice of freedom. Therefore, people having the ability to speak as one wants without restraints and having civil rights are some of the main goals that everyone wanted back then.
A civil rights leader and political activist by the name of W.E.B. Du Bois once said “There is in this world no such force as the force of a man determined to rise. The human soul cannot be permanently chained” meaning that the blacks will no longer be oppressed by power because it is now time to take a stand and fight for their rights. In the document, “W.E.B. Du Bois on Racial Quality, 1930” historical agent W.E.B. Du Bois explains how the other class of Negroes did not agree with Booker T. Washington’s theories and beliefs of having the blacks accept discrimination, and having them give up