Sarah Peretz Eton's Life During The Holocaust

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Pages: 2

Sarah Peretz Eton's life during the Holocaust wasn't the same as most kids at that time. Unlike most six year olds at the time, Eton survived the Holocaust by hiding in multiple different places. Most kids during the Holocaust were put into a terrible gas chamber that would leave them to a long painful death, some could last up to half an hour. Thanks to the loving kindness of the man that saved Sarah Peretz Etons life and her mother's life too. Sarah Peretz Eton was born and raised in Chelm, Poland, 1936. Poland was invaded by Germany, on September 1, 1939. Sarah and her Mother were forced into a ghetto by the german occupation. A Polish Catholic policeman had warned them of the upcoming liquidation. Meaning they are going to be killed one way or another. The police officer then proceeded to take the Etons to his house to hide them. His house was the first place they stayed, but upon noticing more Germans coming into Poland he proceed to hide them in his potato cellar, and then into his chicken coop, that is where they would be hiding for more than two years. “I was hiding in that shack for two years. Never went outside.” Sarah Peretz Eton. Being not able to go outside for two whole years is insane. Having to worry everyday if this will be your last should never be thought. …show more content…
“Once in a blue moon for a special occasion he would bring us a little soup…” Sarah Peretz Eton. Living on bread and water everyday would be terrible, and only getting soup for a special occasion which who knows how long that could be. Sarah and her Mother are very lucky though. Sarah should be dead, no one that young should be alive, how is she alive? How is she there? These questions we wonder every single day. How could a person be so ruthless to kill innocent people. What did they do to the Germans? They didn't do anything. They stood up for what they believed in, that is what they