Sat Base Essay

Submitted By akdlsdmlrja
Words: 553
Pages: 3

In the Analects of Confucius, the prominent ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius once made a (thought-provoking/ insightful) comment on the (significance/importance) of <Topic>: “(Quote-opposite side).” This (thought-provoking/ insightful) remark by the ancient sage is concrete but yet, arguable. True, some contemporary intelligentsias and social commentators contend <반대의견>. However, these romantic critics are too dogmatic in their provincial ideology. In fact, by observing <examples>, it is evident that <thesis>/

Body 1 – Galileo

Galileo is one that clearly demonstrates this notion. As a scientist, his profession was viewed with skepticism and resentment by the church. When he found that the Earth orbits around the Sun, the Church, believing that the human is in the center of the universe, considered this discovery as almost heretical. Therefore, Galileo was forced to renounce his findings; however, even though he was under house arrest after the incident, Galileo endeavored to find more astronomical explanations through his efforts. His perseverance laid the foundation to what people now call modern astronomy. From this, <thesis>
(One could infer that by resisting to adapt to the norm, progress is made to better the social and intellectual quality)

Body 2 – Thomas Paine

Furthermore, Thomas Paine is a figure who supports the idea that <thesis>. Thomas Paine was a man who, to this day, is well known for his critical thinking and his writing of the “Common Sense.” This was a pamphlet that advised the colonists of America, not to adapt to the British monarchy, but to refuse its coercion if it is deemed necessary. By Paine’s social impact on the colonists, the American Revolution started to gear its movement. From the “Common Sense,” the colonists were inspired by the idea of nonconformity and the value of individualism. From, Thomas Paine’s thoughts and legacy, one can see that <thesis, not 반대의견>

Body 3 – Abraham Lincoln

In addition, the life of Abraham Lincoln conveys a similar notion. Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, successfully led the US through the American Civil War,