Satire Essay On Illegal Immigration

Words: 434
Pages: 2

The issue of illegal immigration is a topic that is hard to tackle as it takes effect on many aspects of American society. As controversial as this issue may seem, I believe that illegal immigrants deserve a way to come out of the shadows and get in line with the law. They should take responsibilities like all other Americans living in this country. There should be a reform on the broken immigration system.
An amnesty program would be essential for society and the suffering American economy. This plan would to grant an incentive for illegal immigrants to come out of the shadows and get on the path towards achieving citizenship and fulfilling their responsibilities as citizens. This reform is not rewarding them. On the contrary, it is making
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It is true that immigrants do compete for many jobs. The sole reason for the vast majority of immigrants to be in the United States is because they are hungry for the opportunity to better their lives and the lives of their offspring. An overwhelming majority of these immigrants are not educated. With this in mind, it is highly unlikely for an unskilled, uneducated, undocumented, and unilingual illegal immigrant to take the job of an American citizen who has had the opportunity to get an education; even if it is just a high school education. The only difference is that immigrants that come to this country are willing to work no matter the circumstances and in most instances start out earning even lower than minimum wage. Employers hire illegal immigrants to exploit them because being undocumented means that their employers have no obligation to meet the same requirement as other employers do that hire American citizens. This is not fair for the business owners who play by the rules, not fair for the American citizen who loses the job opportunity, and not fair for the illegal immigrant working overtime without getting paid.
In conclusion, a reform to the broken immigration system should be implemented. Rather than provoking fear in the people, I believe that providing incentives to do the right thing would be a better way to approach this issue. The American society and