Satire In The Late Show

Words: 457
Pages: 2

In my opinion, "The Late Show" was a very prominent example of a Satire. The host Stephen Colbert did a very delightful job in approaching a very delicate topic, by using his usual humurous ways. In this following essay I want to provide exapmles in why I believe this. Earlier, before this show was made the pepsi company produced a short commercial to advertise their products just like any company does who are trying to sell their products. As a result, in making this commercial the producers choose to do a very delicate topic in present time 2017. The company did the commercial on protests that are very real amd are happening in our every day lives today. For example, there was a protest for world peace and for the right movement called "Black Lives Matter". Nowadays those topics are not something to mess with, furthermore, this company made it seem like nothing bad ever happens in a protest. As if people weren't loosing their lives in order to defend their beliefs, in addition they made it seem as if all the world problems will be solved by drinking a pepsi. To make matters worse they used former celebrity Kendall Jenner to be the face of this advertisement, so how would people feel that they included a rich, white women who has always had a luxurios life to be the face of this very delicate topic. …show more content…
Many angry comments were made by the audiences and many parodies of the video were made, to make fun of the ignorant producers. As a result, in one of the many episodes of "The Late Show", Steve mentions this commercial and makes a parody of it (pretty hilarious if we're honest). Anyways, in this parody he made some eye opening points in where the producers made some obvious mistakes, that clearly are misguided from the original idea of representing world