Satire In The Martian Chronicles

Words: 590
Pages: 3

The Martian Chronicles has very distinctive elements of satire. The Martian Chronicles shows its satire by allowing the reader to know both sides of the story. Also by the Martians picture of the ideal man.
The Martians in The Martian Chronicles have a different image of people. It is shown by the husband’s reaction to his wife's dreams in ““February 1999: Ylla.”” Mr. K is the husband and Ylla is his wife. Ylla has a dream of a guy who is 6’1 with blue eyes, black hair and very white skin. As a reader, you don't see anything out of the ordinary with this, but by the husband’s reaction you know it is stranger. “Blue eyes! Gods!’ cried Mr. K. ‘ What’ll dream next? That he had black hair”(pg. 3) From the tone of that line and the