Satire Need Of Change: The Problems With Antarctica

Words: 996
Pages: 4

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” - George Bernard Shaw. Antarctica is in dire need of change. There are many problems with Antarctica. Many of them could threaten its existence in the next couple of generations. There are three general problem categories: environmental, polar ice caps, and land claim. The environment of the antarctic is being threatened due to overfishing, pollution, and global warming. The polar ice caps are being threatened due to global warming and growing co2 over time. Land claim has been a problem for a long time because many countries claim that they should own a portion of Antarctica. The countries include Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom. Some of the claims overlap each other and some of the land is unclaimed.

The polar ice caps are very important to our world. Most of the world’s fresh water is kept in glaciers and the polar ice caps.
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When the fresh water mixes with the salt water it decreases the saltiness of the water. Many of the fish and mammals in the ocean can not live in the decreased saltiness of the oceans, which if it continues could make some underwater animals decrease in population or even go extinct. Many animals will die on the landmass of antarctica also because if the polar ice caps melt then many living spaces for the many different types of species will bedestroyed, killing the inhabitants of the habitat. The cause of this destruction is global warming and the increasing amounts of co2 and greenhouse gas emissions around the globe. If the temperature of the world keeps climbing then the ice caps will melt eventually and cause mass destruction not only to habitats and animal species, but to coastlines of many countries. If the polar ice caps melt sea level will get higher and higher as it continues to melt. This will cause many of the world's