Schindler's List Comparison

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Pages: 6

Schindler’s list is a film about the Holocaust, but the Holocaust isn’t the main subject of the story, the story is more about the people who went through this horrible event in history.
Two characters that barely remarkable similarity form the core of this story, one a lowly con man and the other of a sociopathic murderer. Despite their differences, Oskar Schindler taking advantage of third Reich and Amon Goeth being a Nazi idealist with a penchant for brutal atrocities, both characters are created by their different circumstances during the war.
Oscar’s Schindler was mostly unsuccessful with any business venture before and after the war but used the war as a cover to con the government. Despite the fact that he could have actually found much success in the wartime munitions industry, he succeeded in helping the Jewish people by supplying defective ammunition to the German army. Oscar Schindler said about his businesses “if the factory ever produced a shell that could actually be fired he would be unhappy”.
When Steven Spielberg was telling their stories he discovered a way to approach the Holocaust in a different way.
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The terrifying story of the Holocaust is inexplicable to most people, it is hard to believe that man could go on with genocide. That’s what most people think, genocide comes natural and human nature. It happens everywhere, many different countries such as Africa the Middle East and even the war Afghanistan. Even the United States practiced genocide in the early colonies when they would kill off the Native American tribes just to have their land be expanded. People will kill just because of somebody different than they are if its race, religion, or whatever they want the reasoning to be. Schindler’s list shows that a man could be good or evil, but someone must have the courage to beat an evil