Writing Level 6

Submitted By pilotpointlynx
Words: 716
Pages: 3

Writing Level 6 Writing Analytical Assessment-


|Student Name | |Site | |Teacher | |

|Trait |1 = Emerging |2 = Developing |3 = Proficient |4 = Advanced |
|Ideas |* Does not have an adequate|* Introduction is present but may not|* Includes a clear introduction |* A clear introduction that |
| |introduction |be clear or interesting |* Writing provides a clear picture for |captures the reader’s attention |
|Targets: 6.1 |* Writing does not provide |* Writing may not provide a clear |the reader through examples and details|* Writing is clear, focused and |
| |a clear picture and is |picture for the reader and may be |* Contains anecdotes, dialogue, or |interesting |
| |lacking in examples and |lacking in examples and adequate |sensory details |* Some ideas are fresh and original|
| |details |details |* Contains information about setting |* Anecdotes, dialogue, and/or |
| |* Setting is not addressed |* Contains an anecdote, dialogue, or |(time and place) |sensory details are natural and |
| | |sensory details but may not be used |* Most irrelevant details are |create an interesting/entertaining |
| | |effectively |eliminated |image for the reader |
| | |* Setting is addressed, but unclear | |* Setting is clearly addressed |
| | |in some places | |* No irrelevant details |
| | |* Some details are irrelevant and | | |
| | |unnecessary | | |
|Organization |* Writing lacks a clear |* Beginning, middle, conclusion may |* Events or experiences are sequenced |* Order and structure are easy to |
| |structure and is missing |be too obvious or not recognizable |logically |follow |
|Targets: 6.2 |beginning, middle, or |* Placement of details not always |* Paragraphs contain specific details |* Details fit where placed |
| |conclusion |effective |to support main ideas |* Effective transitions |
| |* Details are not present |* Does not always follow a clear |* 4 or 5 well-developed paragraphs |* Clear introduction and satisfying|
| |* Difficult to follow |sequence of events | |conclusion |
| |* May be too short to show |* Less than 4 paragraphs | |* 5 or more well-developed |
| |organizational skills | | |paragraphs |
| |* Less than 3 paragraphs |