Science: Charles Darwin and Behavioural Adaptations Essay

Submitted By akfakdfkl
Words: 391
Pages: 2

Evolution is Changing of living thing.
An example of this is Haman came from monkey.
Jean-Baptiste of Lamarck’s theory was Organisms used their. body parts; and that what was used was passed on to offspring.
An example of this is Giraffes have a long neck because used more and more.
Charles Darwin’s theory was How species evolved or changed over time.
An example of this is Characteristics are inherited.
Which person was eventually proven right: Charles Darwin.

Pleistocene Organism(Woolly Mammoth)
Structural adaptations (how does it look ?) and how they it survive.
Height: Up to 3.5 metres at the shoulder.
Weight: Up to 6-8 tons.
Probably the same as that of Africa and Asia elephant.
Behavioural adaptations (how does it act?) and how they help it survive.
Mammoth consumed about 225 kg.
Physiological adaptations (how does it work?) and how they help it to survive.

Habitat (describe what it was like where they lived)
Every continent except Australia, South America and Antarctica
Diet (what did they eat?)
Mammoth are herbivores.

Modern Day Organism(Elephant)
Structural adaptations (how does it look ?) and how they it survive.
Height: Up to 3-4 metres.
Weight: Up to 7,000 kg(15,000lbs).
Darker skin, large and ridged teeth.

Behavioural adaptations (how does it act?) and how they help it survive.
They use their trunks to pull down branches and strip trees.
They don’t have any natural predators
Physiological adaptations (how does it work?) and how they help it to survive.

Habitat (describe what it was like where they lived)
Asia and Africa
In forest and Rain forest
Diet (what