Scout Finch In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Pages: 4

Scout Finch is a immature, juvenile child, hungry to explore and learn more about the brainwashed society that she lives in. Being the young girl she is, Scout has a tendency to take many accounts of racism lightly and does not feel the need to get emotional as of a character like Jem who is more morally developed. Although, through many experiences she is forced to display a great account of courage helping her develop as a young girl in a big world. Before the trial, there were many people trashing and talking horribly about Atticus because he was deciding to proudly defend Tom Robinson. Scout did not take much of this easily and displayed courage on many occasions when standing up for her father. An example of this is when she was undoubtedly …show more content…
Another time in the story where Scout shows courage is when she holds Boo’s arm and walks him home with poise. This occurs when she subsequently points him out at the Finch’s house after he saves her from being killed by Bob Ewell: “His lips parted into a timid smile and our neighbours image blurred with my sudden tears “Hey Boo,” I said”(362). This quotation is a major turning point in the novel because it signifies her bravery and character development. Since the beginning of the book she has been really petrified by Boo Radley due to the picture that was painted in her mind from a young age. She always thought and was …show more content…
My third and final example of Scout Finch showing courage is when she helped out Atticus with Walter Cunningham's angry mob at the County Jail. The Angry mob wanted to kill Tom Robinson but atticus was not accepting any of it. Scout is a naive and innocent girl that was brave enough to go to the County Jail to not only check on Atticus but speak over everyone there: “I sought once more for a familiar face, and at the center of the semi-circle I found one. “Hey Mr.Cunningham.” [I said]”(204). Scouts unrealized act of courage ended up being a vital factor for not only Atticus but Tom Robinson because it basically saved him from being killed: “You children last night made Walter Cunningham shoes for a minute. That was enough”(210). Scout, a remarkable and noteworthy character that will forever be remembered in American literature for decades to come. She played a huge role in the novel, not only a girl experiencing the story as a half-grown Scout but a girl telling the story as a grown-up Jean