Scu Reflection

Words: 500
Pages: 2

Deciding to be in the Leadership for Social Change learning community has really helped me in becoming a part of the SLU community. I think that if I was not a part of LSOC, I would be struggling to find my place at SLU. The learning community that I am in has allowed me to meet people from so many different walks of life. My most significant experience from LSOC so far has been just been the opportunity I have to build friendships with the people from my floors who have such diverse backgrounds and being able to learn from them. Before coming to SLU, I had very little interaction with people who identified as anything other than white, black, straight, or lived lifestyles that were outside of the societal norm. Aside from traveling, most of my learning about social justice came from the internet and a few friends. The diversity of the people on my floor has introduced me to many cultures and other differences that I had not know of before. Just being around people that live different lifestyles and having the opportunity to have a normal conversation that doesn’t question their choices is very different from hearing about …show more content…
The other students in my learning community also, often have different areas of interest when it comes to what they are passionate about supporting. This really helps to open my eyes to the various issues that the world is facing today that may get swept under the rug and that I can help to change. The different interests also brings to light, issues that I would have never knew were problems for people and has really made me realize that we all in some way have privileges that others do not regardless of how small. For instance, because my identity corresponds to the societal norm, a heterosexual, cisgender female, I have many privileges over someone who does