Seabiscuits The Horse Analysis

Words: 877
Pages: 4

A lot of opportunities can be seized everyday. Sometimes we let them pass away and other times we take advantage of it. We can capture those moments in several areas of every day life (sports, school, etc...).We learn a lot of lessons by reading stories such as "Seabiscuits" or watching documentaries like "J-Mac". These are good examples of perseverance and faith in difficult moments.

The story of "Seabiscuits" is a very inspiring story and teaches us a lot of life lessons. Seabiscuits, the horse, was a skinny and weak horse who had lost every races he had participated so far. At first thought, everybody would criticize him. But some people like Tom and Red had faith and believed in that horse and that made a huge difference. Red, a really
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Jason was diagnosed with autism when he was young. He struggled when interacting with other children. He also was placed in special education classes. For the others, he was considered different. But "J-Mac" never considered himself different or separated especially when it comes to sport. He didn't make his high school basketball team. Instead, he became the team manager. At the last game of the season of his school's team, Jason was allowed to play at the end of the game. What he did next inspired the whole world. Although he missed his first two shots, he scored 20 points in less than 3 minutes by the end of the game. Jason seized the most important moment in his life. He proved that even with his handicap, he was not different from his comrades and that he was able to do something great. He inspired and gave hope not only to the kids with a handicap, but to everybody who hadn't faith and who didn't believe in themselves. Jason's dream became true. Jason always kept his head straight and he was always thinking that he was a normal guy. Nobody was expecting this to happen when Jason got in the game. He taught a lot of people to believe in themselves and that anything is