Second Recess Research Paper

Words: 636
Pages: 3

In my opinion 4th, 5th, and 6th graders should be able to play in the grass field at second recess. Imagine if 4th 5th and 6th graders were playing in the grass field and they were having fun at recess do you know why, because they’re playing soccer on the grass field! It’s second recess so the grades are not together. Did you know that we only use the grass field on field day. Also it would make recess a lot more fun.

We could be able to play another game, like wiffle ball and flag football. We have more space to make the games harder and more fun. When we fall down on the concrete we usually get bad cuts and scrapes. But, if we play on the grass we won’t get hurt as bad. If you let us play play on the grass field it opens up space for people to play kickback and other fun games on the concrete. Also since a lot of people are going to play in the grass it's not as crowded on the turf. Plus the four square people
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It will only take like one or maybe two recess aids to watch the grass field. Plus you’re usually out there with us. Also sometimes Mrs. Nyquist and mrs. Taylor are out there.We can handle ourselves too. Fistly people probably won’t sit on the bench bored. Secondly what are we going to do with the field if we only use it for field day? Finally people need to trust us more and give us more responsibility to get us ready for the real world.

I know some people don’t deserve to play in the field so, don’t let them play in the field until they show you that they can handle playing in the field. Also you can make sure that they will actually play the sport and not ruin it. It will help a lot to get the kids energy out and help them focus on their schoolwork. You know how some kids feel left out because they don’t think they can play that sport. Well they won’t get left out anymore because we’ll have more space to play different games that they’re good