Second Treatise On Civil Government Dbq Essay

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Pages: 3

The pursuit of change for the better required high intellect and new intelligent ideas, during the late 17th and 18th century in Europe, well-educated philosophes (philosophers) would gather in France and England to examine crucial political, economical, and social controversy. Out of these conventions grew modern ideas revolving around the beliefs of individuality and freedom. These philosophes believed that granting freedom as well as reducing the authority of government would result in a better society. The introduction of individual freedom seemed essential to the formation of more rights for women, freedom of religion, and more efficient politics and economics. Locke believed that individual freedom was crucial to having a better government. In his Second Treatise on Civil Government, he argues for natural rights, as well as having them protected by the government (Doc A). Locke also advocates for the creation of government through a legislative and executive branch which would be chosen by society in his Second Treatise on Civil Government (Doc A). In other words, Locke is suggesting the creation of a democracy, a government by the people, for the people. In response to a failing government, Locke’s response is that “the people are at liberty to provide for themselves.” Although Locke …show more content…
Smith insisted that is not possible for one person to be able to manage an economy because it is not possible to have such information (Doc C). He believed that if people were left to pursue interest their own way, they would also benefit the economy without going out of their way to do so. Smith also refers to an “invisible hand” that regulates society as whole so that if individual goals are met, so are the goals of society (Doc C). Similar to the idea of individual freedom concerning politics, the idea of individual freedom concerning economics is just as