Self Determination Theory Analysis

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Pages: 3

The self-determination theory according to researchers Guay, Ryan, and Deci (2013) is based on fulfilling one's needs for functioning in society (p.109). The theory contains three basic needs that one's inner self reaches for and they are competence, relatedness, and autonomy. Competence is the want to fit into one's surrounding environment, whether it's at school or even at a job. This theory explains the importance of feeling belonged and comfortable with where we are at. Relatedness is the need for having close relationships and emotional bonds with others. We all build off of relationships with each other and it is critical to have that bond with someone to be psychologically healthy. Autonomy is the desire to experience a sense of choice, …show more content…
Intrinsic motivation as described by Guay, Deci, and Ryan (2013), is when we engage into an activity for its own sake because we are interested. (p.116) For example, if I see a puzzle I will sit down and attempt to place it in order because I find it fun and interesting. Extrinsic motivation is based on getting involved in an activity for different consequences or outcomes. If I were to wash the dishes which I have no desire to, I do it for the outcome rather than my pleasure of partaking in this activity. Extrinsic motivation has many different explanations: External regulation, Introjected regulation, and Identified regulation. External is like the example that I mentioned above, I cleaned the dishes for the reward of having a clean house. When you are motivated externally, you are getting involved to be awarded with something. Introjected regulation to me is the voice inside of your head that tells you what to do and why. The article explains it as a form of control and instead of receiving rewards or punishments you either gain a peaceful mind or shame and guilt. Identified regulation is when you are motivated to do things by choice. It is like deciding on taking a pill to heal a lifetime illness, it has become a part of one's life and so it goes on and usually has more positive