Self Quiz 7

Words: 211
Pages: 1

Self-quiz 7.1 3) False; Sometimes therapists have to make adjustments to a prefabricated CTS splint to provide the proper support required and fitting to the forearm, wrist, hand, and fingers. 6) False; There are conditions where there are no consistent protocols such as CTS. 8) True; The hypothenar bar on a wrist immobilization orthotic works to keep the wrist in a writing position and prevent the wrist from ulnar deviation. 10) False; a heat gun should never be used during the fabrication of an orthotic while the pt. is wearing it. It is best to fit the pattern with a paper towel to before the actual fabrication to avoid mistakes. Self Quiz 8.1 5) True; a forearm-based thumb orthosis provides rest, support, and protection of the