The Theory Of Multiple Intelligences

Submitted By whoppers67
Words: 302
Pages: 2

“Human cognitive competence is better described in terms of a set of abilities, talents, or mental skills, which we call ‘intelligences’.” All able-bodied and mentally healthy individuals are, to a certain extent, capable of performing in different fields of these “intelligences” but where individuals differ, is in their degree of excellence in each skill. In Howard Gardner’s The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Gardner teaches us his Seven Intelligences and how each one is related to everyday life. Gardner outlines the traditional view of intelligence by saying it is nothing more than one’s performance on a test of intelligence in relation to the individual’s age. He then counters that with his Multiple Intelligences Theory, which states that intelligence is one’s ability to solve particular problems or create certain goods or products that are appropriate for a distinct group. His “intelligences” are: musical, bodily-kinesthetic, logical-mathematical, linguistic, spatial, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligence. The individual with musical intelligence is one who displays sensitivity to sound and rhythm, the bodily-kinesthetic individual knows how to use their body effectively, the logical-mathematical individual excels in reasoning and calculating, the linguistic individual uses words in any language effectively, the spatial individual thinks in terms of physical space, the interpersonal individual understands and interacts with others and the intrapersonal