Sexual Assault In Canada

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Pages: 4

Physical abuse is defined as any physical force that results in pain, bodily injury or impairment, signs of physical abuse usually are unexplained bruises and injuries which do not fit the explanations, individuals with cognitive disabilities are unable to communicate effectively can not disclose information on the abuse and the abuser. Statistics Canada reports that people with some form of mental disability, including intellectual disability, are four times more likely to be victimized than those without (Canadian Association For Community Living 2011).
Sexual Assault is defined as an assault of a sexual nature that violates the sexual integrity of the victim. The Supreme Court of Canada held that the act of sexual assault does not depend solely on contact with any specific part of the human anatomy but rather the act of a sexual nature that violates the sexual integrity of the victim. The normal sexual development takes on a route which not only includes a singular individual’s growth and maturity, but also includes personal relationships with others. Sexuality involves one’s thoughts, feelings, behaviors, relationships,
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Devlin and Pothier (2006) discuss people with disabilities face recurring coercion, marginalization, and social exclusion . disability theory analyzes how society itself views disabilities and how society creates devices whether they are technological, prosthetic or medication to help the disabled body to perform to the conventional standards of society, critical theorists do not see this as inclusion but rather a form of