Shakespeare Polonius Literary Devices

Words: 475
Pages: 2

Literary Devices:
Polonius compares Hamlet to a flame that doesn’t give off heat (Act 1, Scene 3, Line 118). This means that he thinks that Hamlet is putting on an act. He also says that Ophelia must not mistake his show for the real thing.
Polonius says that Hamlet’s vows are not going to show as dye does on a garment (Act 1, Scene 3, Lines 127-128), meaning that Ophelia’s relationship with Hamlet isn’t going to benefit her.
Polonius compares Hamlet’s love to counterfeit coins, fake (Act 1, Scene 3, Lines 106-107).
Polonius says “Marry” multiple times, making a religious reference to the Virgin Mary. This phrase just puts emphasis on how frustrated/surprised he is at Ophelia’s words.
Polonius calls Ophelia
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Plays into Polonius’ thoughts on Hamlet being untrustworthy or unloyal.
Means lavishly or readily in the sense that Polonius sees how easy it is to speak kind words when someone wants something from you
Also means spending money recklessly, connects to money metaphor. Hamlet is wasting his valuable words recklessly on Ophelia to win her favor.
Can mean garments, which makes the dye-garment analogy to Hamlet work.
Also can have to do with money, meaning that Ophelia shouldn’t pay into Hamlet’s offers because her time or loyalty isn’t going to benefit her.
You’ll tender me a fool
Can mean “you’ll make a fool out of me”, as Polonius says it
Can also mean “you’ll get pregnant” which can hint to why Ophelia is so hooked on Hamlet.

• Theme
Age creates cynicism about love.
Polonius questions Ophelia’s relationship with Hamlet.
Polonius’ age has allowed him to have past experience (Act 1, Scene 4, Line 115), which sets him apart from Ophelia.
Age brings wisdom.
Ophelia’s ripe age allows her to become infatuated with Hamlet.
According to Polonius, this is why she doesn’t see Hamlet’s true intentions.
Ophelia follows Polonius’ judgment immediately.
She has probably received good advice from her father in the