Shetton Hoo Ship Burial Case Study

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Pages: 4

1. Briefly discuss the significance of ship burials, including the types of objects uncovered and their decoration. Address the Sutton Hoo Ship Burial (Figures 11-3 and 11-3a) and the Viking Ship Burial (Figures 11-4 and 11-4a).
The ship burials were used to bury people both at sea and underground. When people would get buried, they would place objects inside that represented how there lives they were. For example, funeral of the warrior lord Scyld, whom his comrades laid to rest in a ship overflowing with arms and armor and costly adorn me.” (Kleiner, Page. 314) Due to the some of the items that were placed inside the burial ships were costly they were costly being robbed. The Sutton Hoo Ship was created for the burial of a wealthy known lord during that era. Due
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Looking at both figures we can say that they booth similar in style with both having characters that are painting, 1 looks more stressed out then the other. You are able to see the background at a distance and detailed work. Ottonian Empire
6. The Doors with Relief Panels from Saint Michael’s at Hildesheim (Figure 11-25) are unusual for their size, as most Ottonian sculpture was small in scale. Briefly describe and analyze the doors, noting the juxtaposition of Old and New Testament scenes.
The Doors with Relief Panels bringer than the traditional size doors. These doors had a specific story and meaning. On each panel, we can notice a variety of stories being told. For example, “Together, the doors tell the story of origin- nal sin and ultimate redemption, showing the expulsion from the Garden of Eden and the path back to Paradise through the Church.” (Kleiner, Page 332) Some other scenes noted on the panels include Christ, Cain & Abel and Adam and Eve. The story about Adam and Eve can be seen on the left and the story about Christ on the