Short Story: The Old Sow V. Wolf Family

Words: 1158
Pages: 5

Once upon a time, in a newly born country, lived an old sow. The old sow was the mother of three little pigs. Stuck in debt from the Revolutionary War, the old sow had no choice but to send her little piglets off to make their own fortune. Two months later, she received a grim report from the police.
“Excuse me, madame,” spoke the policeman at the door, “I have some very grave news for you.”
“What now?” mumbled the old sow to herself as she rolled her eyes. “Did I forget to pay off last week’s taxes officer?”
“Yes, you did. But, that is only half of the bad news. We have recently been informed that two sons of yours have been devoured by a rogue wolf.”
The old sow stepped back, shocked to receive such horrible news. She then asked the policeman if the wolf was still roaming around the country. The police officer informed her that the wolf was broiled to death by her third son. Upon hearing this, the old sow conjured up a brilliant idea; an idea that could gain her
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Order in the court!” yelled the Chief (lead) Justice. “We will now hear the case Old Sow v. Wolf Family. We will begin with you, Ms. Sow.”
“Thank you, Mr. Justice. Now, it all began about one month ago…”
The old sow thoroughly described how she was so poor from trying to pay off war debt that she had to send off her piglets to create their own future by themselves and how a month later she received a message from the police officer telling her how two of her sons died because a son of the British King devoured them. The old sow claimed that the entire family should be punished for the rogue wolf’s actions since they were his family. All of the six Justices took notes on the matter at hand and listened contently.
“Thank you, Ms. Sow, for the detailed explanation,” spoke the Chief Justice. “We will now focus our attention on the wolf family. As the leader of the family, the king will explain what happened with your rogue son. Please explain the scenarios, Lord