Should Kids Get Participation Trophies Essay

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Pages: 3

Should Kids Get Participation Trophies?

The clock is ticking and the time is running out for twelve-year-old, Matt. He takes a shot, and the big orange basketball goes flying into the net. The buzzer sounds and everyone is cheering and running up to Matt. They all carry Matt out into the cold, fall air and celebrate at Matt’s house. Matt is expecting a trophy for all of his hard work but instead they all receive participation awards. His face turned white as he reached for the trophy that he had hated ever since he was a kid. He had even made a vow to work as hard as he could to earn his own medals every season. But his vow was broken with this fake piece of plastic that was before him. Participation trophies have caused lots of arguments worldwide. To some people, participation trophies are acceptable and send exceptional messages, whereas others believe that attendance trophies are bad and send
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But according to the article, it states “WHICH IS NOT TRUE,” therefore it makes the participation trophies a bad idea for kids. According to Kenneth Barrish of physiology says that participation trophies are not in any way harmful to kids. They are harmful to kids because they have a negative manner towards kids. In the text, it said, “67% of kids praised for their intelligence take the easy test, while 92% of the other kids praised for their attempts took the harder test.” In reality, kids won’t work as hard for the participation trophies. I think that participation trophies can have lousy feedback and take kids the wrong direction. Participation trophies are bad because they take the joy out of the sport, there are negative things connected to the trophies, and they affect how we play. Participation trophies affect our daily lives of sports. Will you play your sport out of passion or just play it because maybe your mom made you do the