Should Lillie Rubin Not False Title VII?

Words: 357
Pages: 2

1. Michelle have a valid claim. Under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, an employer may not be fire, refuse to hire, or fail to promote a woman because she is pregnant.
2. Lillie Rubin has not violated Title VII because in this case customer privacy is an issue. Lillie Rubin can alleged that being a woman is a bona fide occupational qualification for the job.
3. The test would violate the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act.
4. Lockhard was illegally fired. FedEx should have made some reasonable accommodations for Lockhard.
5. The firing was legal because an employer can fire someone who can’t perform the job requirements either by age or by other factors, or because the salary received is too high.
6. NASA violate Title VII because