Should School Start At 7-30 Essay

Words: 424
Pages: 2

Imagine a world where you get to sleep in. Now stop dreaming, this is reality. Should school start at 9:30 instead of 7:30? Starting school later would be disruptive to student schedules as it removed time for work, sports, and extracurricular activities. Starting school later would be disruptive to student schedules as it removes time for work. Most students are employed, and work after school, as it is one of the only times in a student's week that they are allowed the opportunity to work. Students who are employed are only allotted a certain amount of free time during the week, due to school and work. If school started at 9:30, then employed students would get home with scarcely enough time to knock out homework, and/or chores, with practically no personal down time. School commencing at 7:30 allows those students to get home, and have the correct amount of time to meet their requirements. Therefore concluding that 7:30 is the advantageous choice for school starting time. Starting school later would be disruptive to student schedules as it removes time for sports. Sports are important for children to stay active. Physical activities stimulates growth and keeps the children healthy physically and emotionally (WISIFC). If