Should Sixteen Year Olds Be Allowed To Vote?

Words: 671
Pages: 3

Imagine how the world would be in the future if sixteen year olds had the chance to vote. Things would be way easier for them and others in the long run. Teens will already have that experience of voting early then what it used to be. Sixteen is a better age to introduce voting than the age now 18, 16 year olds are more active and smart. Teens today are competent enough to choose the next leader of their country. Ever heard of that saying “We are the future and we should have a say in our future”? It’s something parents should really think about. Teens nowadays are also mature enough and know a lot of things about politics to be able to vote. With that being said the voting ages should be lowered to 16 for many reasons.
Many adults say voting ages should not be lowered but there are also some that say it should. As some teens speak as being sixteen, they should have the opportunity to vote. One of the reason is that they are competent enough to be able to have a say on who they would like to be the president. Adults today wouldn't be able to say that this generation and sixteen year olds are not ready. Sixteen year olds should get the rights that they all deserve. Sixteen year olds would love to participate in something like this to get to know more about the future and help make an impact on their adult life. Teens now are able to
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They think they are never taken serious just because they are at the age of sixteen. If they had the chances to vote and state their opinion to the government by voting for the head leader of their state, things would be way different then it is now. Many teenagers would feel way better about being able to state who they think should be the leader just like everyone else. Teen love to be heard and like to be involved with things that are happening in the world. Having the experience with voting teens will then feel like they are being listened to and taken