Shut Down Your Screen Week Analysis

Words: 453
Pages: 2

Technology and screens are distractions and causes of health problems. They should both be used in moderation, and not often each day. If “Shut Down Your Screens Week” is taken into effect, students won’t have their chance to use their phones during school hours. Overall, screens are leading students into a life of time wasting and health conflict. Students can be distracted by their phones and can text during school hours. What was said by a Mom in an interview about her child was- “It seems like he can no longer be fully in the moment.” (Campbell 1). Students can get distracted by their phones during school hours. This can lead to students being isolated within themselves so they are no longer living in the moment. ”Researchers say can be addictive” (Richtel 1). This is what is said about screens. Students might be using their phones in class without their teachers knowing because they are addicted to using their phones. Even if there were stricter rules, students might still feel the need to check their phones during school hours. …show more content…
There was advice about screen time in an article, and following that advice- “That advice is based on research linking more screen time to obesity, higher blood pressure and cholesterol, sleep loss and problems at school.” (Norton 1). Students that are crippled by their devotion to screens can have a small break from what causes these bad things to occur. Another negative outcome of screen time is- “This latest CDC study found that teenagers’ weight did, in fact, correlate with their screen time.” (Norton 1). With “Shut Down Your Screens Week,” Students can have a break from what causes weight gain. They can learn that screens are bad, and they are bad for your