Shy Man's Motivation In The Book 'The Mixer'

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Shy Man’s Motivation Essay - RayAnne Shaul I think the Shy Man in the early 1900s book “The Mixer” didn’t really speak in the story is that he didn’t want to give away his plan to anyone while speaking. His traits are kinda related to his quiet personality. He’s cruel by killing Bob, the old man’s dog; and by walloping Blackie, the bulldog watchdog. He’s sneaky by breaking into the old man’s house and by training Blackie to be a bad watchdog. He’s also a liar because he lied to the old man about saying that Blackie’s training in being a “good” watchdog. The Shy Man also has a suspicious personality towards Blackie’s old master. He yells at him to tell him how much he’s going to pay him, too! I think the Shy Man is a bit rude at sometimes.