Silko Ceremony Analysis

Words: 784
Pages: 4

Maybe I have a vivid imagination, but I founded interesting the style of the poems that Silko has in her book Ceremony. When you look at them in detail, they have different shapes, I noticed they have the shape of a Totem. I know Totems represent a very important figure in the Native American Culture because of their significance and representation of their beliefs, they are a way to tell a story about their past. Such representation follows what Silko is trying to do with her poems, to tell a story that has very deep meanings. Silko uses the poems in her book as references for something happening, not only in the past, but also in the present and something that is coming further in the story. Her poems are a pause for the reader to analyze what she writes, and what is coming.

When Tayo was in the Ceremony with old Betonie and the helper making the paw prints, they follow poem by poem: “In dangerous places you traveled, in danger your travel, to a dangerous place you travel, in danger e-hey-ya-ah-na” (140). In this part of the poem, she makes a reference of the travels that Tayo has done in the past, what he is doing in the present and opens for the ones that he will create in the future. A special trend on the poems
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When he was seeking for the lost cattle, he almost died by the hand of the white people, the bad weather and finally, when he was hiding in the rocks from Emo. His own life was in danger, especially during the last part of the ceremony, losing that way all that he accomplished exposing his demons. The upshot of all of this is how in this small part of the poem, Silko makes the reader think about all the experiences that Tayo lived, plus all what happened when she opened the reader’s mind to think about what’s