Similarities Between Fascism And Communism

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Pages: 3

People can say that Fascism and Communism are like two sides of a penny, they are both different in their beliefs.Communism is economic system which means that it is a stateless society. Fascism are ideas that try or bring together a radical and an authoritarian nationalism. So in fascism and in communism there are many differences.
In Fascism the country will gain glory from all the victories they have in war and Individuals have no value other than serving for the state. They believe that Unions that are controlled by businesses and the state and the state saying to the business what they have to do with nominally private ownership. If you think about it Fascism is like a dictatorship since they are a nationalistic, authoritarian state that is lead by one person that controls that one party. They also believed in a strict class structure that makes it necessary to prevent chaos so all class distinctions will have to be eliminated. One of the fascism strongest beliefs is that they are the most superior race in the world. Fascists are ultra-nationalists who communicate a lot with other Nationalistic leaders and nations. Fascists don’t
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But other then that Fascism and communism are two completely different things because fascists believe that one person should control the state and communists believe that everyone is equal and they all decide all of the decisions they need to take with vote so there isn’t one leader. Mussolini was the first person to create fascism and was the national leader of it and he controlled italy. Stalin was the leader of the soviet union and he believed in communism . They are both similar in that they are both major leaders in the nineteen hundreds and they both had control over major countries. They both are different because they control different parts of the world and also they both believe in different