Similarities Between Frederick Douglass And Rosa Parks

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Pages: 4

Revision of Frederick Douglass Essay

Frederick Douglass and Rosa Parks were both very influential in shaping America. Rosa Parks was an African American lady who refused to give up her seat on the bus. Frederick Douglass was an African American slave who fought for the freedom of slaves. Although, Rosa Parks helped start the end of segregation, Frederick Douglass knew the value of education and knowledge, he also was bought by many different owner and experienced many different things, and he believed that all slaves should be freed and equal.

Around the 1890’s a man named Frederick Douglass was born. He was born into slavery since his mother worked for a landowner. When he was young he knew the importance of education and knowledge. He was sent to many different places but there was one place in particular where he was able to learn how to read and write. According to “The Legacy of Frederick Douglass” it states “ At the age of 7 he was sent to work for Hugh Auld, a landowner in Baltimore, there Hugh’s wife taught him how to read and write. Even though teaching slaves to read and write were forbidden.” Even though that it was forbidden to learn how to read and write she continued to teach him until Auld allowed it to happen. When he was sent back to his original owner he excelled in learning how to read
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Rosa Parks was an African American lady who refused to give up her seat of the bus. She was arrested and later started the bus boycott. This boycott lasted 385 days, many African Americans joined her in the boycott. “She stood up for freedom, equality, voting rights, and she even rallied against discrimination,” according to “The Courage to Take Action: A Lesson from Rosa Parks”. Even though Rosa Parks stood up for all of those things Frederick Douglass started the end to slavery if it wasn’t for him Rosa Parks would have been a slave and none of the things would not have