Similarities Between New Jersey Constitution And Us Constitution

Words: 875
Pages: 4

The Constitution of the United States was created in order to maintain peace and order in the country. However, before the Constitution was written and established, the Articles of Confederation served as the primary document the Congress had to follow. The Articles of Confederation was created during the Revolutionary War which led it to be very problematic and caused many difficulties for the delegates at that time. In the end, the Articles of Confederation were abolished and James Madison, along with other members of Congress wrote the Constitution. The Constitution was not completely approved at first, but eventually, the delegates agreed to this document. Therefore, it became the official document the United States government is centered around. On the other hand, each independent state has its own Constitution too. Before the final version of the New Jersey Constitution were established in 1947, there were two other versions that were established, but were abolished due to various reasons. In the end, the Constitution of the United States and the New Jersey Constitution have many similarities, which includes the guarantee of a grand jury in any court case and the freedom of religion, but it appoints different leaders to lead the people. …show more content…
By making the whole country better, the Constitution of the individual states will be easier to follow. More specifically, the New Jersey Constitution and the U.S Constitution agreed that there must be a grand jury present in every court case, and the people in America has the right to believe in any religion they want. But, the leaders that led the societies are different. For the United States, it is the President, but for New Jersey, it is the governor that is in charge. Even though there are some similarities and differences in the Constitutions, both of these documents have successfully led the citizens of