Similarities Between Oedipus And Merope

Words: 389
Pages: 2

The oracle of Delphi tells king Laius of the prophecy which his son is destined to kill him and marry his wife, Jocasta. When the two have a child Laius cuts the kids ankles so he is unable crawl. (Oedipus meaning swollen foot) then a shepherd takes Oedipus to a mountain to die soon after a servant of Polybus finds Oedipus and brings him to his master, he grows up happily with his adoptive parents Polybus and Merope the rulers of Corinth. Oedipus hears a tale that Polybus and Merope aren’t his real parents. Oedipus is intrigued so his investigation led him to Delphi there he was told of the prophecy where he is destined to kill his father and marry his mother Oedipus thinking his real parents are Polybius and Merope he decides to never return