Similarities Between Rosa Parks And Martin Luther King Jr

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Pages: 4

We have learned about Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. We all know that Rosa Parks started the Montgomery Bus Boycott. She started it by refusing to move out of the white section and move to the back of the bus. They told her to move because she was black like Martin Luther King Jr. was. After Rosa Parks refused to move, the Constitution did say that segregated busing was unconstitutional. Just take a moment and imagine yourself being any black person in that time period. Would it be fair to you if white men treated you like that?Freedom should be given to everyone because 1) all men are created equal, 2) Even with the Emancipation Proclamation signed, the negro still weren’t free, and 3) the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution existed at that time as well.

The Declaration of Independence does indeed say that all men are created equal. In paragraph two of the Declaration of Independence it says, “ We hold these truths to be self evident; that all men are created equal.” In our books. you can also find this quote on page 50. “We all are born the same way.” According to, all humans
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document called the Declaration of the Independence in 1776. In our English textbook on page 48, Martin Luther King Jr. mentions part of the Declaration of Independence. In his speech he says, “ This note was the promise that all men, yes black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” But the only problem with this statement is that it was not true.Were black men and women really happy? No, they were not. They wanted their freedom just like the white men. If their freedom was given, we would not have had the Montgomery Bus Boycott or even the March on Washington. The riots that took place, could have been prevented if we were fair to every single person in this country. Others would disagree with me though and say that freedom must be