Similarities Between 'Selling Salvation And The Canterbury Tales'

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Pages: 2

When analyzing Mr. Popoff’s character in the article “Selling Salvation” written by Jim Avila, Glenn Ruppel and Donna Hunter, it is obvious that his character closely parallels with The Pardoner’s character in “The Canterbury Tales” by Geoffrey Chaucer. Similarities such as greed, lack of remorse and sneakiness are all shared by both of these characters along with the fact that in the two works both of these characters are meant to be disliked by the audience. The first similarity that allowed me to connect Mr. Popoff to The Pardoner was found in the second paragraph that states “And the star of the show, Popoff, pronounces that he has the key to success and healing” (Avila, Ruppel, Hunter), because in Chaucer’s work, he too describes The Pardoner …show more content…
As the article goes on to tell of Popoff’s miraculous scam, I am constantly reminded of the mannerisms which The Pardoner also demonstrates. The article recites the directions which Popoff gives to his desperate customers by saying “They command you to sleep with the water for one night, and then drink it immediately after waking up. Next, you’ve got to pray over the empty packet, and then send it back to Popoff- and don’t forget to include $17” (Avila, Ruppel, Hunter). This specific piece of evidence directly corresponds with “The Canterbury Tales” in “The Pardoner’s Tale” where Chaucer writes “Whoever wears this mitten on his hand/ Will multiply his grain… Providing that he offers pence or groats” (Chaucer) because this proves that both men only give