Since Genetics In The Environment Project Essay

Submitted By ChuangGuo-Guo
Words: 638
Pages: 3


The word adapt means to fit in. Us humans do it all the time, when it's cold we put on warm clothes and when a new fashion comes out we tend to copy it to fit in with the rest. For animals it's not that easy, for them it's a matter of life and death. Humans use technology to adapt but animals have to have certain parts of their bodys changed or behaviors to allow them to survive in their environment. There are two main types of adaptation, habit adaptation and physical adaptation.
Habit adaptation is when the animal has to change its habits. An example of habit adaptation is when a squirrel comes in to contact with danger or senses it then signals the rest of the squirrels by chattering. Physical adaptation is when the adaptation occurs inside the body, A great example of this is the snake. The snake has venom that allows it to protect itself and also allows it to catch prey in order to live. But how does an organism adapt? What happens to its body in order for adaptation to happen? Well the answer to that is gene mutations. a gene mutation is a permanent change in the DNA sequences that makes up a gene. A gene mutation is inherited and usually occurs when the sperm and the egg combine. That is why adaptation occurs. Now lets talk about the desert hedgehog and how it's had to adapt to the harsh temperatures of the desert. If it was to go outside during daytime in the desert it would overheat because of its fur, So the hedgehog has adapted to stay in a burrow during the day and come out and hunt during the night, This is a habit adaptation.The hedgehog has also highly adapted kidneys which allows it to go long periods of times without water, this is a physical adaptation and was decided by the environment since water is scarce in the desert.

Habitat: Spain Spain is located in southwestern europe and is approximately
504,645 km2 large. In terms of climate Spain's temperature is hot and dry in the summers and wet and cold in the winters. But along the coast summers are cool and so are winters. Madrid which is a city located in the middle of spain has an average temperature of
3˚C in winters and an average temperature of 31˚C but on really hot days the temperature can go above
Spain consist of mostly flat plains that are surrounded by rugged undeveloped hills.
However the northern part of the country is