Sing The Burger Electric Robot Gives The Burger Edge Analysis

Words: 239
Pages: 1

Pete Tittl, in his article, “Sing the Burger Electric: Robot Gives CaliBurger Edge,” argues that In-n-Out Burger has competition since CaliBurger opened. He claims that “Flippy,” a robot engineered to grill burgers, gives CaliBurger an advantage in flavor over In-n-Out. Tittl wants consumers to know they do not have to endure long lines to enjoy a tastier meal. He uses snarky jokes related to “The Twilight Zone” and “big brother” always watching to describe the ambience in the restaurant. Tittl’s contention that CaliBurger is competing with In-n-Out Burger is correct; unfortunately his piece read more like a restaurant review. His line of reasoning lacks logos because Carl’s Jr and Burger King have been using char-broiler’s for years