Essay on Singin In The Rain

Submitted By Tamera-Campbell
Words: 897
Pages: 4

Singin’ in the Rain is a musical film that explains classical musical well. In Gene Kelly’s and Stanley Donen musical, Singin’ in the Rain, take an interesting look into the world of Hollywood. The movie set to be in 1927, takes a look of when sound was first introduced into the film industry. Don Lockwood who is played by Gene Kelly becomes a successful act with the company of his best friend Cosmo Brown forming a romantic pair with the actress Lina Lamont. In the period of transition from silent movies to talking pictures, the film uses music to describe each scene. It helps to add irony to the plot as well as a comedic support. Even though music plays a big part in this film, it is also the colors used that makes the film so great. The colors used in this film are very consistent except for one particular scene with Gene Kelly. Characters such as Don, Kathy and Cosmo would burst into singing and dancing in any situation, in a light-hearted, happy manner. Everything that happens in Singin’ in the Rain is constantly changing. The lyrics and context in the film provides a way of underscoring the performing character’s state of mind or personal situation. The musical integrates songs and dances, which replaces some of the dialogue during key dramatic moments and the story’s characters are able to naturally express their emotions. For example, when Gene Kelly (Don Lockwood) is seen singing in the rain during one of the most memorable scenes that is when he realizes that he’s falling in love with Kathy. He splashes around in the puddles, singing. Viewers see this without Don Lockwood speaking any dialogue. This changes the whole meaning of silent film in Hollywood because now characters are expressing their self the same way but now with music. Hollywood pretends and creates false worlds for the entertainment of others. Characters in the film make fun of the silent movie business by saying “If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen it all.” When talking pictures were first introduced many studios closed down for a very short time, perhaps a few weeks to be fully rewired with sound equipment and then reopened. Within those few weeks producers had to make sure actors and actresses voices match who they are. A famous director named Ernst Lubitsch said, “Ladies and Gentlemen who are the stars of the great silent screen, you must learn to talk. You no longer make faces and look camera left, camera right, up, down, what the director tells you to do… You’ve got to learn to talk dialogue to sustain scenes, to characterize, to remember dialogue and to play it.” Singin’ in the Rain portrays the movie industry’s initial, showing the positives and negatives in talking pictures. Viewers did not know, how the real characters sound, or if their voice even matched their personality but now with talking pictures all of that is exposed. For example, when it all came down in the end Kathy (Debbie Reynolds) had to play the voice of Lina because her voice was terrible in the film. Lina was so beautiful on the screen and had become a major star; audiences had expected her to have a beautiful voice as well. They didn't even realize that they have never heard her speak in her years of performing. Producers in Hollywood wanted to keep making money by any means. The use of color in Singin’ in the Rain made