Single Parenting, Permissive And Authoritative Child Rearing

Words: 580
Pages: 3

One of the challenges nontraditional gay married couples face such as, two gay fathers is the decision for one of them to become a stay at home parent. This means that one of the fathers will have to sacrifice their career to provide a home presence for the children. Furthermore, this can place a financial strain on the family, because the household will become dependent on a single income. However, single parents’ households face a different challenge; money is a major problem, especially for single parent households that are headed by mothers. Studies have shown that income in these households are significantly less than those in households with a couple are married. This creates economic issues such as access to quality health care and education for the children of single mothers. …show more content…
The Authoritarian parents are more likely to come from the working-class, these parents tend to be cold and unsupportive. They are less likely to have a give and take relationship with their children and they use physical discipline to control behavior. However, Permissive parents are more likely to come from the middle class, these parents are warm and reasonable. Their approach is the absence of rules and regulations, but they might use manipulation, to persuade children to follow their internal codes of behavior. Finally, Authoritative parents or a combination of both Authoritarian and Permissive, for instance they are strict and controlling however, on the other hand they are warm and supportive. They tend to use positive reinforcement rather than punishment. Furthermore, they show awareness of their children’s feelings and encourage open communication, independence, and