Sion Sono Film Analysis

Words: 452
Pages: 2

A detailed portrait of Sion Sono's actual life

Arata Oshima follows Sion Sono through his hectic everyday program as he tries to paint a portrait of the man as much as the artist. In that fashion, he shows footage from his concerts, from the set of "The Whispering Star", from his painting studio, from his house and during various "missions" he undertakes in order to make his inexhaustible ideas into reality. Furthermore, some interviews are also included, with his wife(actress Megumi Kagurazaka), Shota Shometani and Fumi Nikkaido (protagonists of Himizu), while his first producer, his sister, and some friends also talk about their relationship with Sono and in that fashion, reveal much of his life story. The image they reveal is quite sincere,
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In that fashion. camera movement is frequenty hectic, although, in the end, Hidenori Takahashi did a good job in the cinematography department. Yoshihiro Okawa's editing is also quite good, as he managed to glue together many different footages, including segments from his films, additionally to those described in the previous paragraphs.

The documentary is actually shaped by Sono's personality, being hectic and always juggling different works, and in that fashion. manages to portray a large part of his life, especially considering the length of it. Sono himself is very interesting as a subject, as he always does something artistic or jokes about something. However, I felt that some questions remained, particularly regarding the reason why he is so focused in Fukushima.

The Sion Sono is a very interesting documentary, especially for fans of the director, as it sheds light in many aspects of his character and life, that have never previously been addressed before. The fact that the director also seems to be one of his fans, definitely moves towards that