Sitting Bull Shooting Case

Words: 277
Pages: 2

On December 15, 1890, Sitting Bull was shot and murdered by Indian Police at Standing Rock.240 He was being arrested for allowing the Ghost Dance, which was viewed as an uprising. A crowd gathered and the young Lakota taunted the police officers.241 It is stated that a shot was fired and it hit one of the policemen.242 Sitting Bull was then shot twice by Indian agent James McLaughlin.243
Just 14 days after the brutal shooting of Sitting Bull, the U.S. Army sought to disarm and relocate the Lakota people, because they failed to stop their Ghost Dance.244 The U.S. Army ordered the arrest of Lakota chief, Big Foot.245 Big Foot's band of natives consisted mostly of women who had lost their husbands and other male relatives in previous battles