Skin Psoriasis Research Paper

Words: 1280
Pages: 6

Psoriasis may remain unnoticeable at its early stage but it is characterized by the onset of itching or burning sensation on the affected body parts. The scales are also formed on the body which varies from pink to deep red colour with silvery layer on the upper surface of the skin. The diagnosis of the psoriasis begins from the appearance of the skin. As there is no special blood test or the diagnostic procedures for it. A skin biopsy is carried out which show rete pegs. Various cure treatments are prevailed in the market viz: topical treatment, phototherapy, photochemotherapy, Systemic treatment, Alternative therapy etc.
1. Topical Treatment
According to Mentor et al, 2009 bath solutions, moisturizers, mineral oils and petroleum jelly may help in soothing and reduce the dryness. The ointments and creams containing coal tar, corticosteroids, and retinoid are routinely used. Argan oil has been used with some good results also. Irritation of
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2. Cyclosporine
3. Retinoid
According to Reitaino et al and Mronietz in 2001 Methotrexate and cyclosporine are the immuno-suppressant drugs while the Retinoid are the synthetic form of Vitamin A. Other drugs have not licensed for psoriasis treatment still.
5. Alternative therapy
Some studies suggest that psoriasis symptoms can be relieved by changes in diet and life style. According to Treloar et al in 2010, fasting periods, low energy diet and vegetarian’s diet have improved psoriasis symptoms. Diet rich in fatty acids from fish oil have also shown positive effects. The severity of the psoriasis can be influenced by life style habits such as alcohol, smoking, weight, stress etc.
Psoriasis is associated with several co-morbidities, including decreased quality of life, depression and suicide, increased cardiovascular risk, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, metabolic syndrome , obesity and cancer (Traub et al,2007; Puig et al, 2007).