Essay about Skull and Appendicular Skeleton

Submitted By grantstephanie92
Words: 716
Pages: 3

The Axial and Appendicular Skeleton

Laszlo Vass, Ed.D. Version 42-0021-00-01


● What is the purpose of this exercise?

To show how the bones are realated to one another and the function of each and every bone and what they do to help us.

● Are there any safety concerns associated with this exercise? If so, list what they are and what precautions should be taken.

With this exercise no, we are not performing any labs

Exercise 1: The Skull

A. Name the eight bones of the cranium. 1 Frontal Bone, 1 Occipital Bone, 2 Parietal Bones, 2 Temporal Bones, 1 Spheniod Bone 1 Ethmoid Bone What function do the cranial bones serve? The Cranial bones are used to enclose the brain they compose the cranium. The delicate brain tissue done not come in contact with the bones. List the bones that form the eye orbit.
Zygomatic, maxilla, lacrimal, frontal bone, spenoid, ethmoid, and palatine.

D. Examine the skull on the skeleton model and describe some ways in which the mandible is different from the other bones of the skull.

The shape of the bone is different. It is the only bone that is attached to a joint and therefore movable. It is not really attached to skull at all.

E. Other than the skull, what are the other two components of the axial skeleton?

Vertebral Column and Thoracic Cage
Exercise 2: Skull Markings

Which bone is palpated when touching the forehead?

Frontal Bone

B. What bone is palpated when touching the temple?

Temporal bone

Exercise 3: The Vertebral Column

What are the five categories of vertebrae in your vertebral column?

Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral, and Coccyx

Why are lumbar vertebrae particularly prone to injury?

we use them when lifting and moving with our arms.

C. What is an intervertebral disc? What is its function?

They are fibrocartilage discs that are designed to cushion the vertebrae and serve as "shock absorbers" for the column.

D. How are the sacrum and coccyx different from the other vertebrae?

Consist of multiple bones fused together

E. What is the overall function of vertebrae?

The bodies major support, It also protects the spinal cord and nerves from damage

Exercise 4: The Bony Thorax

A. What bones make up the bony thorax? Sternum, Ribs, and thoracic vertebrae

B. What is the function of the bony thorax?

protective the organs within

C. What category of bones are the sternum and ribs?

Flat bones

D. Why are ribs 11 and 12 referred to as “floating” ribs?

They are attached indirectly to the sternum and shared cartilage

E. Propose a reason why the ribs are attached anteriorly by cartilage.

To allow the rib cage to be flexible and still be connected to the sterum. This also allows deep inhalation the cartilage acts as a shock absorber if the