Slave Codes Research Paper

Words: 521
Pages: 3

The slave codes were a set of rules, laws, and restrictions placed on the slaves in the United States. These codes were most often fairly strict, because the slave owners want to control the slaves as much as possible. The reaction to these slave codes were drastic, but in a good way. Slavery is a horrible concept. In the time period of slavery, it was actually considered beneficial. The reactions to slavery and the slave codes helped the United States move away from the unconstitutional concept of slavery. The slave codes were the breaking point. Before then, slavery was a “red-hot” topic in the United States. Many leaders wanted to avoid the topic at all times. With the strictness of the slave codes and revolts, slavery in the United States would be abolished. …show more content…
Many of the slaves faced the slave code’s ‘wrath’ when they did not follow specific ‘rules’ imposed on them. Slaves were not allowed to own property in many states, because they were considered ‘property’, which is rather disgusting. No human being should be considered ‘property’. Another common rule in the slave code is that one cannot do business with a slave unless the ‘owner’ of the slave permits it. The slave code also states that slaves can be ‘awarded’ as prizes, security for loans, and transferred as ‘gifts’. More rules were forced upon the slaves, such as a rule that states that a slave was not allowed to keep a gun. Slaves had many restrictions with the slave code. They were not allowed to be educated, or read and write. Many slaves broke the reading and writing ‘rule’. They wrote stories and narratives about the horrible concept of slavery, even with the fear they were going to be caught. If they were caught, the strict slave code would inflict horrid pain with lashings, and even worse. The times in which slavery existed were awful, and inhumane. The slave codes existed solely to strike fear into other’s hearts, so they do not