Slavery And The Civil War

Submitted By Mxr7ac1ng1
Words: 610
Pages: 3

American history 2

Fugitive slave law- need one other white to prove hes a slave, just because you move to free state doesn’t make you free
Dred scott decision
The emancipation proclamation

Arguments for abolition- had to convince the whites slavery was a sin, slavery was a threat to the independence and success of white people. Places small farmers in competition with wealth plantation owners
Slavery inhibited education and social improvements and kept poor white in ignorance
Repressed the development of a diverse economy

Free labor ideology- belief in all work in free society where people get paid wages is more honorable and that manual labor is degreaded when it is equated with slavery or bondage.

Whites didn’t want to be equated to slaves.

Slavery undermined the dignity of manual labor by associating it with salvery
Slaves were compelled to work and therefore worked inefficiently free men workd effiecently because of profit incentive and desire to get ahead

Read some dumb book

Reconstruction post civil war 1865-1877

Results of civil war- Abolishment of slavery. The emancipation proclamation(just north), thirteenth amendment(south too), former slaves seek to improve their circumstances and demand rights

Inreased northern economic dominance
Weakened the south through the destruction of property and loss of men
The united states was not divided
Only small group of radical rebulipcans support black suffrage.

Issues of reconstruction How to readmit south into the union
Define the status of blacks

Late 1800s
Us became super power,
Large labor supply
Rich in natural resources- farmland, coal, iron
New technologies- communication, telegraph, telephone electricity
Business- typewriter, cash register, gas powered internal combustion engine, Bessemer converter
More work in factories less home jobs
Scientific management Fredrick winslow taylor, reorganize the production process by subdividing tasks, speed up production, make people interchangeable, break the power of skilled labor, can hire cheap labor, led to mass production techniques like the assembly line

The rise of big business- robber barons- Andrew Carnegie, JP morgan, john Rockefeller, gustavus swift
Effiecent bureaucracy
Managerial capitalism
Carnegie – veritcle integration – own every portion of company from supply to sell. Control all levels of production and distribution from gathering raw materal to the sale of the finished product
Horizontal integration- linking different companies producing the same production in