Essay on Slavery in North

Submitted By carmelitatrevino
Words: 510
Pages: 3

1.Nat Turner was a former slave that rebelled against his slave owner and then started a rebellion.
2. David Walker was an abolitionist and anti-slavery activist who published “An Appeal”, to the African Americans.
3. William Lloyd Garrison, was an abolitionist who published “The Liberator”.
4. The Mason-Dixon line was located between Pennsylvania and Maryland which separated a cultural boundary between the North and the South.
5. In the four pictures the relationship is the growth of cotton growth through the years, with more production of cotton, the slave population also increased.
6. The difference between the North and the South was slavery.
7. The population of ‘blacks’ was greater in the South, where in the North the ‘black’ population was lower.
8. South was described as a cotton kingdom because there was a lot of cotton being produces, as well as the slave population growing.
9. There was an increase of slave population because of the lands that needed to be works, the more lands that were gained, the more the slave population grew.
10. Laws that created total control over the slaves, these laws were created to have power over the slaves.
11. Sothern’s said that slaves were property.
12. It is the mixing of races.
13. The free labor ideology was bad because it was up to the individual to advance.
14. Slavery made whites feel they were superior.
15. The whites claimed that slavery helped blacks because it was an act of discipline and taught Christianity.
16. One fourth of the white population owned slaves.
17. A planter was known to be an owner of large quantities of land.
18. Twelve percent of southerners were considered farmers.
19. It provided the northern industries with textiles, agricultural tools, and manufactured goods.
20. The southern economy was still based on agriculture, they had already experienced and gotten money and they decided to continue.
21. Overseers were known as a person who went to the